Diction Donates Translations to Chilean Culture House for Vulnerable Children

At Diction, we are keen supporters of charity work, and so we have been looking for a project related to education and language that we could help with – a search that is now over. For more than two decades, Anne Hansen has been working to help vulnerable children in the city of Valparaíso in Chile. Her NGO’s latest project is the construction of a children’s culture house, where young people can receive an education and participate in cultural activities. To support this virtuous initiative, we have donated translations of the project materials and committed to continue supporting the project in the future.
Libro Alegre’s mission
Anne Hansen’s fight to help vulnerable Chilean children stretches far back. In 2001, she began to wander through the city of Valparaíso with Scandinavian children’s books, which she read aloud to the city’s children – books that she had translated into Spanish by hand. The charity slowly garnered more and more attention, attracting more donations and volunteers and leading as well to the founding of Libro Alegre (Happy Book).
Today, the city boasts two children’s libraries, which are filled with Nordic children’s books, but the NGO sees yet more possibilities ahead. Their latest project is the construction of a culture house where children can go to learn and participate in cultural activities with the aim to help them be seen and heard in Chilean society.
Although enough donations have been made to acquire a plot of land and an architectural blueprint, additional capital is still needed for construction of the building itself. In an effort to raise awareness of the project, the NGO has put together some materials detailing their work and their vision for the children’s culture house in the hope of raising the funds required.

A helping hand
At Diction, we have chosen to support this virtuous initiative by providing free translations of the project materials and, by committing to assist the project in the future. In relation to our donation, Anne Hansen says: “The children’s culture house is our latest construction project, and it will make a huge difference for the children of Valparaíso. We have come a long way, but we still need help from more kind souls before the building can become a reality. I am therefore very grateful for Diction’s contribution, which will assist in promotion of the project.”
At Diction, we are continuously trying to improve and optimise our translation services. This means that we are constantly seeking to expand our corps of professional translators so that we can solve any task in the best possible way. Our approach has meant that we currently collaborate with more than 2000 freelance translators, and we were therefore easily able to find a specialist with the right expertise to efficiently and accurately translate the project materials from Danish into Spanish.
“As a starting point, we are always interested in helping organisations and associations that serve a good cause and help make the world a better place. As our company consists of language experts, we understand the importance of giving children the chance to learn to read and write. Our decision to support the children’s culture house was therefore a natural choice,” says Martin Boberg, CEO of Diction.
Do you want more information about the children's culture house, Libro Alegre and their various projects? Visit their Danish website here: https://www.libroalegre.com/
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